Hohenfels Volks Is a great place for photography, keep them in mind when you want to learn!
Updates from the past month or so are coming up in the next few days! Keep your eyes open!
30 December, 2011
A Link
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03 December, 2011
Seasonal Updates
Maligayang Pasko! Mele Kalikimaka me ka Hau'oli Makahiki Hou! Aloha! Talofa! Mabuhay! Maayong adlaw! Gruss Gott! Ni Hao! Our heartfelt greetings to all our loved ones and friends.
Well, since our last update a lot has happened. Halloween gave us some wonderful parties, great friendships shared, and lots of spooky sights! Then, of course was Thanksgiving, special day set aside for to give thanks for our blessings, a day spent with those close to our hearts. Another great dinner and lots of warm spirits. That week we also had the birthday bash for one our great friends. She did an 80’s theme party, what fun!
Hubby's first Christmas pic this season!
The Christmas season is now here. The tree is up, hubby’s first seasonal photo is taken, and of course, the first Christmas market visited. This year we made our first trip to Nuernberg for their Christmas market. Such a great way to start off the Christmas season, hot bratwurst, hot chocolate, warm cocoa, and the majestic sights of the season in a wonderful old city with a dear friend.
Last night was the community tree lighting. Of course, Santa was there with Rudolph and Mrs. Clause. After the lighting and some festivities, we attended another birthday party. Lots of birthdays this month, lots of parties, and lots of seasonal warmth.
Here are some photos from the past couple of months. I hope you enjoy them.
Daddy and Daughter
Hubby's world famous turkey. Everyone's fave! MMM-MMMMM!
Zombie Michelle!
80's pop princess
Big haired babe!
Hubby’s photography blog is running along nicely. He has lots of tips, tricks, and information for anyone who wants to learn photography. Check out his blog, it will make you think, help you learn photography, and give some information on the local area, too! It's called Hohenfels Volks Photo club, THE place for Our Place. Check it out here.
To my dear friend, Art, thank you for always reading these posts and leaving your kind words. Here’s hoping you’re blessed with a great season ahead. For all our loved ones, family, and friends, we wish you all the warmth of God’s love this joyous season and beyond!
Time to go. God bless and have a great weekend.
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12 November, 2011
Hohenfels Volks Photo Club: Around Hohenfels- Bamberg
Hohenfels Volks Photo Club: Around Hohenfels- Bamberg
Hubby's newest post about Bamberg and photography. Hohenfels Volks- a great place for pics!
Posted by
08 November, 2011
Tool Talk?
Hubby's latest blog post over Hohenfels Volks is about gear.
Check it out, it's good stuff! Hohenfels Volks
Wishing you a great week!
Posted by
05 November, 2011
Hohenfels Volks Photo Club: Ride Along Shot
Hohenfels Volks Photo Club: Ride Along Shot
Another great one by hubby. Check it out and enjoy a couple great pics.
Posted by
02 November, 2011
Hohenfels Volks
Here's hubby's newest post! Great stuff...
Hohenfels Volks Photo Club: Photography and Quotes
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29 October, 2011
Jasmine's Big Day
Aloha! Talofa! Mabuhay! Maayong adlaw! Gruss Gott! Ni Hao! Our wishes are that this little post finds you well!
Well, It’s been a long since I last wrote here. I hope things have been keeping well for you!
Last week was Jasmine’s birthday. She’s 7 now! Time really does fly; it seems like just yesterday our princess was a tiny little baby! Even hubby commented about how much she’s grown, and how he kind of misses when she was a baby!
The princess in all her 7 year old Glory!
Hubby took some time off from work, as he’s been going non-stop for a couple months now, and we celebrated her big day! Friday hubby cooked up 4 big racks of his world famous smoked ribs. I cooked so much, pancit, lumpia, rice, and all the usual dishes. Our friends brought over lots of food on Saturday and everyone proceeded to greet the princess!
The party lasted into the evening with talking, singing, dancing, and CAKE! Of course, no birthday party can be complete without a big colorful cake. This year Jasmine chose to have a Tangled theme, and the cake was no exception. She got some great gifts from some great people, for which she was so happy! Our friends really made her day special, and the kids really had some fun. She even got a real guitar! Look for the little rock star soon! Our friend Michelle came over early on Saturday and helped cook and she pampered Jasmine, getting her hair done and so on. Later that evening Michelle entertained us all with her singing. She has such a great talent for making you feel like She did the song originally, her voice is incredible, and she has way of making everyone laugh that brought so much life to the party.
Then it was back to life as normal. Hubby was back at work, Jasmine to school, and of course, I went back to being mommy and honey-ko. Things returned almost too quickly to normal, but with Halloween and Thanksgiving, and Christmas to go, things are going to be busy soon!
Last night hubby took Jasmine to a local Halloween party, and they had so much fun. My friends were there, too, so everyone got a chance to reminisce and something to think about for the weekend. Today is another big Halloween party, so we’re going and I’m sure hubby will get some more of his great shots, for my blogs and for his.
Monday will be another fun time, with trick or treating and a great time with our friends again. We can’t wait!
His photography’s getting really good, folks are asking about him teaching a photo class, offering to pay him for portraits, and just sharing their love of photography with him. He does his blog almost every day, he says it’s good to share his love with others, and it helps him unwind after a busy day. Check out his blog, it will make you think, help you learn photography, and give some information on the local area, too! Hohenfels Volks Photo club, THE place for Our Place.
To everyone who attended, and all those who sent their greetings to our princess, THANK YOU! Thank you to Virgie Werner and her family, Nanay Margaret who cooked so much, Joyce, Michelle, Melith and Jim, Angie, Cherry, Maria and Joe, Monica, Bob, Joy-Joy, Anna Beth, Ryan, Kayana, Bidek, and everyone else. It wasn’t hubby’s ribs or my pancit that made her birthday so special, it was your wishes and greetings. Your friendship and help really made this day special for her! Thanks again!
Here are some pics of the fun we've had over the last week.
Such a magnificent group of ladies!
I got the look!
Look guys!
Outside in costume!
Don't forget to visit A Bavarian Angel for this post, with different pics!
Also pay a visit to Hohenfels Volks Photo Club, hubby's blog. It's worth a look!
To my dear friend, Art, thank you for always reading these posts and leaving your kind words. Here’s hoping you’re blessed with a great season ahead.
Time to go. God bless and have a great weekend.
Posted by
19 October, 2011
What's on the Menu?
Hohenfels Volks Photo Club: What's on the Menu?
Hubby new Hohenfels Volks Photography Club post! Check it out!
Posted by
04 October, 2011
Hubby's blog is up and running.
He's really diving right in. Check out his photography tips and tricks section!
Here's a link to his blog- Hohenfels Volks Photography
Hohenfels photography- it's a hobby worth having!
God bless, may the week ahead be grand!
Posted by
11 September, 2011
Hubby's New Photo Blog
Aloha! Talofa! Mabuhay! Maayong adlaw! Gruss Gott! Ni Hao! Our wishes are that this little post finds you well!
Just a note to introduce hubby's new photo blog.
Hohenfels Volks Photo Club
Intro to Photography Here hubby writes stuff of interest o beginners and folks trying to learn photography!
I hope you like his blog!
Wishing you the best of days!
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